Danush Shekar
Danush Shekar
When I run `hr_res101('train')` on MATLAB, I get the following error: ``` ans = 'models\widerface-resnet-101-simple-sample256-posfrac0.5-N25-bboxreg-cluster-scaled' Trying to initialize the structure of resnet-101-simple Unknown model: cannot initialize. Loading pretrained weights from...
I have MXNet 1.5.0, CUDA 10.2, OpenCV 4.5.1 (Installing OpenCV 3.x, gives me #107 ) and Python 3.6.13. When I run evaluation_on_widerface.py in accuracy_evaluation, I get the following output: >...
I tried to evaluate the saved model on the WIDER_val dataset. I have downloaded the dataset from the official website and placed the folder in the data_provider_farm and changed the...
Hello, I ran "conda install -c peterjc123 pytorch" on Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA 9.2, but Anaconda is showing an install for Pytorch 1.3.1 and not 0.3.1. The same happens for...
I think me quoting the second point of the "Others" section of the readme file would be self-explanatory of spelling errors in the same. "We will release a trained model...