
Results 4 comments of DanielHan

My screenshot is the end of the sample animation.Which function determines the relative position of the Text to the screen.I noticed that you setPosition to the textDaai,but it's not working?...

But in my genymotion,at the beginning of the animation,textDaai is out of the screen.And then it moves from the right-bottom corner.

@yangxiaoweihn 我是播放本地视频,遇到这个问题,后台打印错误Error (1,-2147483648)。你的问题解决了吗?

> 我用安卓版本的抓包 是无法连接网络的(断网状态 直接设置代理 还有代理转发都不行) 用ios版本抓包 只能抓包到bmwcountly-api-prod.chinaeast2.cloudapp.chinacloudapi.cn这个接口(没用 不是所需要的) 其他的接口抓不到 最后抓到了吗?这个app应该有ssl pinning