ArduinoOTA.onProgress function in example BasicOTA.ino create long log: `Start updating sketch Progress: 0% Progress: 0% Progress: 0% Progress: 1% Progress: 1% Progress: 2% Progress: 2% Progress: 3% Progress: 3% Progress:...
Examples work only if you change rows in the original was so ``` void setup() { delay(1000); ucg.begin(UCG_FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT); //ucg.begin(UCG_FONT_MODE_SOLID); touch.begin(ucg.getWidth(), ucg.getHeight()); // Must be done before setting rotation ucg.setRotate270(); touch.setRotation(touch.ROT270);...
After Try command /html or Try command /markdown, in telegram see non stop text messages from static const char html_formatted[] PROGMEM = R"EOF or from static const char markdown_formatted[] PROGMEM...
CTBot v. 2.1.13 esp8266 v.2.7.4 myBot.wifiConnect(ssid, pass) need ~ 20 sec to connect. Wi-Fi connection time is ~ 5 seconds, but NTP receiving time takes ~ 15 seconds.