Did you plan to support [Node-Red]( Would be great to have a real Developer-Driven alternative to bluemix.
Hello Dear Wekanist, we use Wekan keen as a Tool for our SAFe PI Planings. We are missing a possibility to visualize dependencies at a glance. It could be a...
Today, 1.10.2017, I tried a complete fresh rebuild of the quickstart from scratch. After Login and navigate to http://localhost:4200/swagger-ui.html I've got the same error message as described in #50. My...
Hello Together, for an ITSM / CMDB Project we have a datamodel with an entity "Component" and "Package". This will be generated ootb to "MyComponent" resp. "MyPackage". For a couple...
What is the best way how to update the application after a database schema update (new tables and relations) without installing everything new?
After installation on a fresh system I got: json-to-struct.go:112:2: cannot find package "" in any of: So we have to first install the yaml package. Please add this to the...
Great Tool! 1000thx for that nice piece of Real Open Source. Did you plan to implement something like a User-Management with Login evt. with Roles? We would be super-happy if...
Great Tool for Security-Scans of File-System, Docker, IasC-Scripts and Code-Libs. French OSS Solution for vulnerability and misconfigurations.
Version: 3 Beta 04a OS: Windows 10 Language: German How to create a treemap for cumulatively sentence/paragraph/(sub)chapter counting? I have a handful of PDF texts and would like to count...