
Results 30 comments of CodeFreezr

1000thx, with your examples and some additional views & tables I could puzzle the sentence countings together. In the end I've used Excel for creating this treemap (h1/h3): ![clean]( ....

And here a treemap just with only h1/h2 ![KoalaBund2021_Abschnitte]( :

I will talk about the "Ampel" Contract in germany, evt. with C3Lingo Realtime translation into english. There I will mention khcoder a lot: 29.12.2021 / 13:00 (MEZ)

I'm not sure if parts of this "Apache v2" licensed Code could help:

This solution doesn't seem to support curved lines and seems a bit dated. Perphaps as inspiration?

Another different solution, but with a strong js drawing lib inside: Very active project with an own OSS-like license.

If you would ask me, what is the best "Drag and Drop Red String" UX beside Kendis and overall? I would say: miro app. This "Realtime- Whiteboard" Solution is...

Ok, this above solutions do much, much more then only drawing "Red Strings". But perhaps there is some code inside we could use as a starting point?

Here an additional Description for this Feature-Request: Generally speaking, the requirement is this: - One card can have “must be started after” type dependencies to 1:n other cards. - These...