Morten Haugstad
Morten Haugstad
Hi @cofonseca, I have a couple of ideas on how to get your WebListener running as a Windows Service. I will see what I can do when I get home.
I found an article on []( I will see what I can do with it in the following week.
I tried using the NSSM at []( `Start-Process -FilePath .\nssm.exe -ArgumentList 'install YourServiceNameHere "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "-command "& { . C:\Scripts\WebListener\Start-WebListener.ps1; Start-WebListener }"" ' -NoNewWindow -Wait` It works. NSSM is a service...
Optionally we could try using the New-Service Cmdlet in Powershell?