Jie Liu

Results 13 comments of Jie Liu

The same question, speechless

![image](https://github.com/Sense-X/Co-DETR/assets/156080390/a67f504c-c55e-4ee6-8044-5b2e9f9e15d3) The bug cannot be solved at all. What is the reason that delays my day?

The same problem.


原始邮件 发件人:"Xingyi Yang"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 发件时间:2024/1/17 18:56 收件人:"Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 抄送人:"Code-of-Liujie"< ***@***.*** &gt;;"Comment"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 主题:Re: [Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher] Multi card parallel (Issue #51) Please indicate which config you are using. For...

Do you want to try it remotely? 原始邮件 发件人:"Xingyi Yang"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 发件时间:2024/1/17 18:56 收件人:"Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 抄送人:"Code-of-Liujie"< ***@***.*** &gt;;"Comment"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 主题:Re: [Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher] Multi card parallel (Issue #51) Please...

_base_ = './consistent_teacher_r50_fpn_coco_180k_10p.py' fold = 1 percent = 10 data = dict( train=dict( sup=dict( ann_file="data/coco_semi/semi_supervised/instances_train2017.${fold}@${percent}.json", ), unsup=dict( ann_file="data/coco_semi/semi_supervised/instances_train2017.${fold}@${percent}-unlabeled.json", ), ), ) log_config = dict( _delete_=True, interval=50, hooks=[ dict(type="TextLoggerHook", by_epoch=False), dict(...

Remote control is to remotely operate my computer through the sunflower software, I see 原始邮件 发件人:"Xingyi Yang"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 发件时间:2024/1/17 19:54 收件人:"Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 抄送人:"Code-of-Liujie"< ***@***.*** &gt;;"Comment"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 主题:Re:...

Here this mmdetion is the latest version, but the mmdet in the environment ==2.28.1 is not caused by this reason. 原始邮件 发件人:"Xingyi Yang"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 发件时间:2024/1/17 20:09 收件人:"Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher"< ***@***.*** &gt;;...

The lower version of mmdecion doesn't. Is it possible to do without mmdetection in this directory? 原始邮件 发件人:"Xingyi Yang"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 发件时间:2024/1/17 20:18 收件人:"Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher"< ***@***.*** &gt;; 抄送人:"Code-of-Liujie"< ***@***.*** &gt;;"Comment"< ***@***.***...