Build ffu
When I try to build this I get the following error: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB3073 The command " set Configuration=Release set Platform=ARM set PkgOutput=C:\Users\chrma\Desktop\NXP\imx-iotcore-public_preview\build\solution\iMXPlatform\Build\ARM\Release\...
Sorry I have been away for a bit and have not kept up o the updates. Have the audio issues been fixed. Previously I was told there was an issue...
Built and deployed the ffu with no issues. When I load my application it runs fine the first time. However when I make a code change and try to redeploy...
I followed all instructions in the video and the documentation. However i cannot get it to compile correctly. keep getting: × C:\Users\chrma\Desktop\CH5-Basic-master\CH5-Basic-master\assets\js\index.js: Invalid Version: undefined at new SemVer (C:\Users\chrma\Desktop\CH5-Basic-master\CH5-Basic-master\node_modules\@babel\preset-env\node_modules\semver\semver.js:314:11) at...
cannot find solution file in download?
Are there any updates to these BSP files? I need to build a image for commercialization with Windows 10 IOT. Noted issues: Audio Input does not work. USB still needs...
I am trying to use the samsungctl package. my program right now is simply: import samsungctl config = samsungctl.Config( name='samsungctl', description='samsungctl-library', method='websocket', host='' ) with samsungctl.Remote(config) as remote: remote.KEY_VOLUP() I...
Will this code work on a 2018 Q series? I have been trying to get this code to run and cannot get thru all the errors that are happening for...
VERY VERY VERY new to python. I was looking for hel on setting things up and running your script. I really want to see if your script to control my...