Hugo Blachere
Hugo Blachere
Hey ! I have the same problem here, I know a bit about IT and networking but I don't want to mess with the script at this point, any fixes...
Hey ! Thanks for the fast answer, can you tell me what's an "IMO" and how I can manage this to work basically ? Thanks again for your project :)
Thanks for the translation ! I mean everything seems to work fine, certificates are created and stored, I can see them in my freenas structure. But when I connect to...
I can see the CERT/KEY by following this path "/root/" and i have 0 error by executing your script, maybe i've done something wrong ? I'm gonna try again and...
Hi all, First thanks for your work, it's awesome :) This feature needs to be implemented ! OCS being mainly used in companies, LDAP support needs to be enabled by...
@gillesdubois Ping
Hey, thanks for your answer ! Any insight for the next release progress ? Thanks for your work BTW
This feature is a must ! Multi-user support with different rights : Admin (That can add and modify settings or monitoring) and Viewer (That can only see the monitoring of...
Same problem here, seems odd, shouldn't this kind of rights abstraction be handled by docker ? Creating directories and docker-compose file as root result with the same error.
I managed to make it running by setting the image version from "latest" to "v2.8.90" and adding a "user" statement in my docker-compose `user: "${UID}:${GID}"` At startup, the following statement...