
Results 16 comments of 复予

# A brief article & media list Here is the list of articles and assets to be updated / added I have found out. There may be something missing, but...

There are some articles with `History` and `Trivia` sections, how should we deal with them? I thought leaving them in stable articles is kind of inappropriate.

Some beatmap servers are outdated, and some cannot be used properly. You can try switching to another beatmap server, by using the dropdown menu shown below. ![Screenshot_2024-05-08-11-27-31-757_fluddokt opsu android-edit](https://github.com/fluddokt/opsu/assets/110881926/bbcea609-9cd8-4f64-9769-c10f2e7872fd) If...

similar issue encountered when searching beatmaps, where I searched for `意义`: ![Screenshot_2024-02-03-12-04-38-897_com.microsoft.emmx.png](https://github.com/ppy/osu-web/assets/110881926/753362ab-917c-4256-a160-0338fbe7f5c6)

I think this issue is somehow duplicate of #8. The answer is certainly *Yes*, but we just need an appropriate method to handle the translations of the strings.

为交流方便,先帮你翻译了: Translated for convenience: **Drag and Drop support** To support dragging a file or folder directly into the main window, and let FreeMove use the paths of the file/folder.

the current one is good enough 👍 maybe better with the compass pointing to two corners of the icon, something like this: ![Screenshot](https://github.com/kylecorry31/Trail-Sense/assets/110881926/edf48cf0-2842-4d59-af0d-b5c540d0720f)

> what does your "Sync changes with the English article" checkbox mean The Chinese translation reflects the original content before this PR. This step will be completed once I have...

> you need to either make a small section dedicated to the export procedure, or keep duplicated steps as below in the mp3directcut part of the article some issues encountered...

I agree with this since we have lots of space on the left sidebar 😁 ![屏幕截图 2023-04-06 190714](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110881926/230360225-74e2923b-9eaf-4977-9743-6ea45aad1fa7.png)