The updated [01_05_http_server]( example doesn't show all the needed outputs.
I'm updating karate v1.01 to v1.2.0. This small scenario will fail in karate v1.2.0 but will succeed in v1.0.1 ``` @test_contains_only Scenario: Test contains only shortcut * def expected =...
`LicensePlist` produces line breaks inside text blocks. For example, the following text blocks have a `\n` at the end of every line. The line breaks between the text blocks are...
Is it possible to add an [SPDX]( `license ID` from the `Identifier` column in each of the found libraries. It opens new possibilities for the output `*.plist` files of this...
Let say I have a project that uses some open source swift libraries and other imported frameworks are not part of cocoapods and are not part of the `Podsfile`. Is...
Is it possible to add an [SPDX]( `license ID` from the `Identifier` column in each of the found libraries licenses. It opens new possibilities for the output of this great...
Is it possible to get a license in Json or XML format form SPDX database by searching through the license names using a string (or a regular expression)? The result...
Which of the BSD Licenses described in this [SPDX]( repository is actually being used?