Claudio Kirchmair
Claudio Kirchmair
Here is what I use to set the cropperImage default image (maybe this helps you). This example works with an image url (eg. ` @ViewChild('imageCropper', undefined) imageCropper: ImageCropperComponent; ngAfterViewInit()...
I need xScaleMin for ngx-charts-bar-horizontal-stacked. I want to have a chart with a x-axis going from -100 to +100. I added xAxisTicks: [-100, -50, 0, 50, 100] but it doesn't...
Here is the code that needs to be changed in add after **line 124**: `@Input() xScaleMin: number;` change **line 234**: `const min = Math.min(0, ...domain);` to: `const min =...