Yukino Song

Results 15 issues of Yukino Song

**Describe the bug** Symlinks are always watched ignoring matching pattern and `followSymlinks` option. **Versions (please complete the following information):** - Chokidar version 3.3.1 - Node version v12.12.0 - OS version:...

我在我自己的网站里正常使用普通的input标签,突然发现每敲一次enter控制台就输出一次事件 由于网站是我自己写的而且上了HTTPS,看到如此奇观感到非常惊讶,于是追更溯源找到是这个插件插入的image-parser.js引起的问题 后来才想起来在朋友的网站上也出现了这样的问题,我在粘帖图片的时候弹出了“未登录新浪微博”的提示。控制台也是每一次enter都有事件输出,一开始还以为是他调试输出没清理掉,后来才发现他用的是sm.ms的图床而不是新浪 我的站和朋友的站都有一个共同点就是在text input上监听了剪贴板事件,然而我刷新页面后再次ctrl+v粘帖上传却没有出现异常 望查明原因

Since [`DocumentFragment`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DocumentFragment) is pretty essential for some use cases(like [ef.js](https://github.com/TheNeuronProject/ef.js)) and it's included in the [DOM Level 3 specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-B63ED1A3), should this be implemented in undom? I think it's a pretty...


help wanted

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scancode Though we cannot get the scancode directly from browser, we can still access the similar information at `keyEvent.code`. For example, Enter and NumpadEnter both give out a key...

help wanted
need discussion

**Describe the bug** I'was tring to install gearlock on my z3735f tablet with a x86(not 64bit) build of BlissOS FOSS. I couldn't get any chance(Alt+F1 not working) of root in...


Performance boosted a bit on v0.15.2, so worth an update

Consider this code example: ```js const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment() const input = document.createElement('input') fragment.appendChild(input) input.value = 'some text' ``` It will crash the whole app instantly.

In short, the weight put `JavaScript` frameworks in an unfair competition. If this benchmark is called "web-framework-benchmark", I would have no objection on this weight, but... it's called "js-framework-benchmark" so......