Claire Neveu
Claire Neveu
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`hasWartAnnotation` should be part of the internal implementation of `WartTraverser` rather than a function provided for implementers to use.
This is a: - [x] Bug Report - [ ] Feature Request - [ ] Question - [ ] Other Which concerns: - [ ] flow-runtime - [x] babel-plugin-flow-runtime -...
Macrocosm contains a lot of great utilities for meta-programming in Scala as well as great utilities to provide extra guarantees like the `regex` macro. Unfortunately the project seems to be...
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**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The Launcher module is great for frequently accessed programs but right now ironbar doesn't provide a solution to infrequently used...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm running ffmpeg.wasm in a browser environment but do not want to rely on loading a script from (it's...
Anyrun opens a fullscreen window then makes most of it transparent. This means any attempt to apply blurred transparency to anyrun blurs the whole screen. Other launchers like Tofi allow...
The following code causes `/home/chris/Programming/macrame/macrame/src/test/scala/macrame/PostDelegateFailure.scala:9: recursive value byline needs type` ```scala object Post { final case class Byline() } final case class CleanPost(byline : Option[Post.Byline] = None) final case class...
99% of the time when I want to delegate methods to a wrapped class it is for generic classes, e.g. `case class WithDbMeta[A](id : Id[A], updateTime : DateTime, underlying :...
`autoFold` function that matches the correct functions to the correct cases. Given: ``` scala sealed trait Foo case class Bar(i : Int) extends Foo case class Baz(s : String) extends...