Immanuel Kolapo

Results 6 comments of Immanuel Kolapo

> > Getting the same error when i try to configure with airflow celery > > AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL="sentinel://$SENTINEL_HOST:$SENTINEL_PORT" > > AIRFLOW__CELERY_BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS={'master_name':"mymaster"} > > Resolved! How did you solve this please?

What do you mean "return the result"? Kindly demonstrate with a snippet

``` class AppType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Appointment filter_fields = { 'id': ('exact',), 'date': ('exact',), 'status': ('exact',) } ```

@ZuluPro I think you are missing the point. Filtering via configured filterset works fine. The problem is with filtering via the supplied argument. Please check the resolver method again.