Chuck Duey
Chuck Duey
I am currently working with BBB and PWM. I created a workaround using low level kernel calls. Not a very elegant solution. I would rather get an MRAA version that...
I worked around it by writing to the /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export to enable the pin. Then /sys/class/pwm/pwm-0:0/ area to set up the period, duty cycle and then enable it. BB overlays changed...
I have been able to use it with BB Green and Black, both wired and wireless. nJoy!
It looks MRAA is not installed. Type in **mraa-gpio version** on a console to the BeagleBone. If you have a "command not found" then you will need to install MRAA...
You are using a virtual box on an x86 platform. The BeagleBone is an ARM platform. I do not know how to make Eclipse on a VM act like a...
Yes the MRAA libs are working on BBB and BBG with the exception of the PWM. I have been running with the latest Debian 9.9 release. Here are my steps...
A few months back I did have problems getting Buster to work (Debian 10). Currently I am sticking with Stretch version 9.9.