The IsDiscoveredByPlayer and IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask flags are not reset when a unit is under a gap generator or a player picks up a darkness crate. This can lead to issues with,...
Helipads are improperly counted towards the airstrip limit in ObjectTypeClass::Who_Can_Build_Me(). This allows you to create an extra plane if you have at least one helipad and at least one plane...
CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Germinate() lacks a check for terrain objects, which allows ore to sometimes grow on top of mine heads, trees, etc. (The same problem does not exist in TD.) (See [this...
There is a missing ammo check in AircraftClass::Mission_Hunt() that causes fixed-wing aircraft to fire an extra shot if they have the two-shooter property and their max ammo is an odd...
Three problems here: 1. Checks distance to supplied target without first calling Target_Legal(). See [this CFEPatch Redux commit]( 2. Checks orientation against TarCom rather than supplied target. See [this CFEPatch...
In some places: - The absence of LAND_TIBERIUM means "there is no tiberium(/ore) in this cell." - OverlayData == 0 means "there is the very smallest possible amount of tiberium(/ore)...
Picking up a vision crate sets IsVisionary status. This status isn't reset if you subsequently pick up a darkness crate, leaving you forever unable to get another vision crate. Affects...
In the REGROUP block of AircraftClass::Mission_Hunt() it's possible to call Enter_Idle_Mode() and then the code continues on potentially doing stuff inconsistent with having just done that. One branch will call...
(I'm cross-posting this issue from sourceforge since the sourceforge issue tracker looks kind of dead and I'm not sure anyone's reading it.) D2BitReader.write() is totally buggy. To demonstrate, try overwriting...
Commit e6dab4c contains a crash bug for TD. The added code uses a COORDINATE as an index into Map[]. But that's an array of CellClass's, so it should be indexed...