(I'm using the retroarch core of bsnes-hd. Not sure if this is the right place for such bug reports.) BSNES-HD does some weird things to the spell effects in Ogre...
(I'm using the retroarch core of bsnes-hd. Not sure if this is the right place for such bug reports.) I'm getting fine black seams at random places. I have trouble...
Looks like the path for needs to be quoted.
Shebang in waf should say #!/usr/bin/env python3 rather than #!/usr/bin/env python.
I apologize in advance for the longwinded explanation. This is an ugly hairball of a bug cluster. In legacy C&C and standalone Vanilla Conquer, multiplayer is done in a peer-to-peer...
Due to a capitalization error in TechnoClass::Revealed(), revealed units check whether the house discovering them is AI-controlled when they should instead be checking whether the house that owns them is...
The tiberium growth logic for TD in MapClass:Logic() selects a fixed, very small number of cells to attempt to grow or spread each cycle. (1 to grow and 1 to...
There are two bugs relating to timequakes: The first is that they simply don't happen. Westwood accidentally broke the "mapwide timequake as a possible consequence of chronoshift" code in Aftermath...
If a unit is pre-placed on a map, and Remastered's "Modern Balance" changes its max-hp, then the game will start with the unit in a damaged state, with the unmodified...
Picking up a darkness crate hides allies' units despite IsAllyReveal being active. (See [this commit](