Just stopped by to say that this is _illuminating_. And every encode I've done from a DVD rip in the last few years has been wrong... Edit: On further though,...
Setting aside the issue of whether it's flipped, I'm more concerned with whether this value even matters in the first place. It appears that x264/5 have their own explicit input...
Well, that was wild and informative. So... to sum up from an end-user perspective: 1. Download and compile the newffmpeg branch, or wait for a new release. This will prevent...
I downloaded and here are the results: 1. The transparency issue _IS_ fixed. 2. The spell overlay effects in wrong places issue _IS NOT_ fixed. Later I'll try to...
Alrighty, here's a save state and screenshot. If you load the save state and let the battle run 3 turns, the monk (back center) will cast a healing spell on...
Westwood fixed this in RA by adding the HasOpened member to BuildingClass. Doing that would also provide an easy fix for issue #749. (Looks like #749 affects RA too, even...
On second thought, adding HasOpened is a good fix for #749, but fixing this one correctly will require your proposed changes. (Well, maybe do things a little different in BuildingClass::Revealed()...
Well, it seems my "fix" for the MCV repacking is wrong because it's resulting in double loss of both gain and drain. The thing is I cannot for the life...
Tested this again with beta 10.6, and the spell overlay issue might maybe be fixed. With the default settings, the original problem (overlays appearing in places they shouldn't) appears to...
Seems like the save state format changed. I'll need to play through to the same spot. May be a few days before I have time for that.