Christopher Gillis
Christopher Gillis
In general I would love to see much more detailed documentation around how to query, paginate, etc. I'm digging through the codebase trying to figure out how it's supposed to...
I know a lot has changed in the last year, but I still can't seem to find a solution to this open issue. Does anyone know a workaround?
@severi Any chance you found a solution?
It does not work
Just confirming, adding ``` "ts-node": { "require": ["tsconfig-paths/register"] }, ``` To my `tsconfig.base.json` worked for me. I'm using NX monorepo. serverless.ts is in an "app" that has a tsconfig.json which...
Thanks, I must have missed that.
This is working now. Note that assoc does not require -q. It fails cleanly by default. ``` "sls appsync-domain create -q", "sls appsync-domain assoc", "sls appsync-domain create-record -q" ```