Many many thanks Thomas for your answer, I will try this :). have a nice week-end christophe Le vendredi 29 janvier 2021 à 18:14:28 UTC+1, Thomas a écrit : Did...
Hi Thomas, Now I undersand more, but if I use the 74HC589 I need the re-make a new PCB as the Pins are differents with the 74HC165... :( If I...
I have the same PVB V1 my question was link to the register 74HC589 that you discribe here: In order to work with the LORa module you need to swap...
Many thanks Thomas for your answer :), I will look that ;). But before I will try Bit-banged SPI : In order to try with others Pin the SPI...
I succeeded with the Bit-Banged SPI with your sytem and using normal SPI for my LORA RFM95 module :) Now I will try to make and other PCV with my...