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Results 10 machfiles issues
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Can someone help me how to fix this issue: downloaded the zsh folder to my ~/.config folder but when opening my iterm getting this error. /.config/zsh/zsh-exports:14: command not found: fnm

#### i copped zsh-prompt.zsh file from machfiles config and when i use ctrl+c or i type a wrong commad the prompt dissapear ### before ![Screenshot from 2022-01-27 18-26-15]( ### after...

there is no i3wm config from ur video

I see in the screenshot RAM,CPU very beautiful , How can I get these? Please let me know, thank you。

- echo & cut not required - if a plugin does not exist, it will clone & source it at once and you can use the plugin in the running...

Just remove the tilda. That will solve the issue. ``` user@workstation:~/work$ git clone ~ fatal: destination path '/home/user' already exists and is not an empty directory. ``` Compared with...

I'm hoping someone familiar with stow can help me out. I am trying to replicate a dotfile repo using stow. But I noticed that the contents of the `.git` directory...

[ -f "$HOME/.local/share/zap/zap.zsh" ] && source "$HOME/.local/share/zap/zap.zsh"

hi, i just clone you file and run `stow zsh` and this was show: ![image]( what happen? i am using zsh my self, will this be a problem? it is...

You need to uncomment the `#selection`. Result: ``` selection: semantic_escape_chars: ',│`|:"'' ()[]{}' save_to_clipboard: true live_config_reload: true ```