How can one assign a unique id to each cloned item? Currently it just creates duplicates?
I get the following error when I try to display my survey, what am I missing here? I followed the survey-vue branch * browser: Chrome * browser version: 91.0.4472.77 *...
When I do: ``data() { return { schema: {} } }`` It just does not bring anything back, it is almost like it is relying on the global const
Can you please tell me where to use wrapper config code for a custom wrapper? `{ componentName: 'CustomWrapper', props: (propName, schema, uiSchema) => ({ title: schema.title || propName }) }`
## Environment Vuejs 2.6.12 Bootstrap Vue 2.21.1 Bootstrap 4.6.0 formio-vue - Hosting type - [x] - [x] Local deployment - Version: Vuejs 2.6.12 - Bootstrap Vue 2.21.1 - Bootstrap...