Chris McFarland

Results 17 comments of Chris McFarland

If you edit the theme file, you can adjust the tab height. Example file path for the dark theme: `C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\zzz A File Icon zzz\patches\general\multi\SoDaReloaded Dark.sublime-theme` Add in: ```...

Experimenting with updating to Manifest V3 (issue #64). ## WebSQL/SQLite is no longer feasible because: - Manifest V3 does not allow persistent background pages; only allows one [service worker]( that...

Seems to be an issue with CSS' `overflow` property, menubar.js, line ~388 ```js $(this).addClass('exceededMaxHeight') .css('height',maxHeight+'px') .css('overflow-y','scroll') .css('overflow-x','visible') .css('top',$('#menubar').height()+4+'px'); ``` Sounds like CSS won't work with nested child elements and...

>it's not possible for me to add Top Sites manually. Fauxbar's default tile display is automatic, but if you go Fauxbar > Options > Tiles, then choose Manually from the...

Off the top of my head, this issue can occur if one of the tiles' screenshots' heights is short. Likely due to a screenshot of one of your sites being...

Ah yes, a smaller viewport with DevTools open sounds like the culprit. Going down the rabbit hole of when Fauxbar decides to take a screenshot... In **background-new.js**, there's a `captureScreenshot`...

## Update on favicons Possibly finally fixed; Need to experiment to see if it works in Chrome Canary, and then watch for when it hits Chrome Stable. (currently, Chrome...

I think I can make this work. Internally, Chrome bookmark folders are essentially a bookmark without a URL, just a title and an internal ID. Using Fauxbars existing `urls` table,...

Fauxbar's index is based on Chrome's history and bookmarks. If Chrome's history is lacking, that's largely outside Fauxbar's scope. Bookmarks are transferable though. Related discussion: [Issue #25 - Feature request:...

I've added a `FocusElement` function to wrap around many `.focus()` calls to try and debug this. I've [pushed the changes to GitHub](, but not as a package. Next time I...