Only one red line on top of screen, no fps text, no graph line. Am I doing something wrong?
Hi, we have pod structure as below: ModuleA.podspec `s.dependency 'AFNetworking'` MergeFile: `group 'Networking' has_dependencies! pod 'AFNetworking' pod 'CustomNetwork', :path => "../../../path" end` Podfile target 'target' do pod 'Networking', :path =>...
Is it possible to show "..." when > 9?
After I update to the latest cocopods 1.0.0, it build with error below: `error: Resource "/Users/yxtk/.jenkins/jobs/YXTK_iOS/workspace/Pods/QBImagePickerController/QBImagePickerController/QBImagePicker.bundle" not found` After check, I found there's something wrong in the it created...
Hello, I'm trying to add simplified Chinese support for localization. Below is what I am doing: Add zh-Hans.lproj folder which contains QBImagePicker.strings to project, but seems not working. What's more,...
It takes about 3 seconds to detect long press gesture on iPad, how to improve it?
I follow the tutorial of using swift code in obj-c project, and import "XXXX-Swift.h" but still get error, the RAReorderableLayout is not recognized in obj-c.
.player setURL block main thread when it's already playing and change to another url. Any idea? Thanks
I checked that the default value of looping is YES, However, it doesn't loop when it finished running. But if I set a breakpoint there and debug, it restart and...