
Results 23 issues of ChiefGyk3D

I added some lists which I usually use on my Pfsense box as well as increased the max element size for more objects as this pushes the number of objects...

I have tried installing this fresh about 14 times, I used two different TFT LCD's to confirm it wasn't an issue with one or the other. I have one that...

Ledger is not working on Brave Browser on Pop!_OS Linux 20.04 but all other wallets, (Binance, MetaMask, Yoroi, and Solflare) all work perfectly within the browser.

Been trying for several days to get []( installed via Lutris, but for some reason I keep getting a 404 error on Pop!_OS 22.04 and can't seem to make it...

I tested out the Rock Pro 64 4GB with great success and was able to get a full node to sync in 26 hours after compiling monero. I followed the...

In my testing and research for the upcoming hardfork for July, and it seems they will be increasing the requirements on nodes to keep up even more. Last I checked...

Made tweaks and tested them with Monero being built. Peaked at 1.85GB RAM used of 2GB with 120MB in swap but system was responsive and Monero compilation in 3 hours...

While Swap is great for not having enough RAM, it should be discouraged. On my Odroid HC2 was found to be set at 100 as shown by `cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness` I...

I have setup the PinodeXMR and am curious what all ports does it need as I would like to lock the firewall down a bit. I also had success in...

Apache is dated and a bit heavier, we should look at swapping out for nginx and it also adds the ability for some additional security should someone ever expose it,...