Chenxing Li
Chenxing Li
I guess this is because the current `estimate_confirmation_risk` skims a check: "where such block has been followed by all the honest nodes". Besides, even if we have a correct implementation...
The gas used in a transaction can not exceed the maximum gas allowed in one block, which is must less than 2^256
> BTW, "charge_all" actually means to charge_75_percent in the code. Yes, we will refund at most 1/4 * tx.gas.
> 3*gas_left may overflow in theory. But unlikely since nobody has too much CFX. It is not because of the transanction fee, because the gas_price cound equal to 0. But...
> I raise this issue mainly to ask if we have a way to find out all potential overflow. If an overflow happens for struct `U256` and `U512`, the basic...
I have discussed it with zhe offline before. So I assign zhe for remark. The logic is in function `process_epoch_transactions()` of `ConsensusExecutionHandler`, after `transact()`. In case the execution outcome is...
If `tx.gas * tx.gas_price > 2^256`, there will always be a "not enough gas fee" error. See the transaction preprocessing in function `transact()`.
> Is this still an issue with the latest stable? Yes, this issue still exists with the most recent rust version 1.64.0 and arkworks version 0.3.0.
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Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to comment if you'd like to continue the discussion. Thank you!