Chen Sun
Chen Sun
Just saw this implemented. What's the right way to invoke this behavior so that when my session is restored proper arguments will be passed along? For example, I have quite...
sorry if i would like to help test, how am I supposed to install the feature branch from RodrigoATorres's repository? I assume it's not pushed to npm source given it's...
I had the same issue with Chrome. Switching to Firefox fixes it.
For anyone who has stumbled upon this thread, you can add `bbox_inches='tight'` to your `plt.savefig()` to remove the white padding that's left after removing the axes. Keep in mind that...
I'm also experiencing this problem with zoom. I can reproduce it with the following steps 1) I'm watching the meeting on an external screen 2) the meeting is in full...
Any way we could make the full-screened programs better contained in EXWM? If not, is there any way to make it go back to the normal/buffered window before it quits...
It seems that using slop is a better option for me. I've been using `scrot -s -f` inside EXWM for a while to get rid of the white lines, but...