Benjamin Chausse

Results 13 issues of Benjamin Chausse

Some people might prefer dmenu to fzf. I added the `e` flag (and it's long version `search-engine`) to your script. The default value remains fzf. Here is an example: `fontpreview...

Sorry if this question is irrelevant as I am totally new to all of this. The icon for `VCC` inside of my version of kiCAD is an upward arrow. I...

Sagetex allows latex users to run sagemath commands inside a LaTeX document for computational maths. It's environment looks like this: ``` \begin{sagecommandline} sage: f(x) = 2*pi*x/e**x sage: g(x) = f.ingegrate(x)...

When I run `echo Hello | nc 9999`, the client remains hanging. I can see the main program printing where the file is stored though. Is there something I...

good first issue

Many server implementation allow to have server side scripts run when displaying a webpage. For example, You can show a header using `` as an html comment. More information on...

As shown in the table demo, there is a method to remove row separators: ``` ui.Render(primary) table2 := widgets.NewTable() table2.Rows = [][]string{ []string{"header1", "header2", "header3"}, []string{"Foundations", "Go-lang is so cool",...

Vim has this brilliant feature with `netrw` which let's you navigate a remote filesystem. For example, you can from within vim type the following: `:e scp://user@hostmachine/.config/` and it will open...

### Describe the bug I get an error when launching nvim with the lazy.nvim snippet from the Here is what I get: ``` Failed to run `config` for orgmode...


I noticed every time I restart my computer, my IR emitter works just fine. But if I close my laptop lid and open it back up, it will no longer...

help wanted

I did as the man page for sxhkd suggested and found the key code for one of my keyboards keys by running `xev -event keyboard`. The output was `XF86RFKill`. But...