[Random geometric graph]( is a common graph generator which correspond to the function [`euclidean_graph`]({Int64,Int64}) in LightGraphs.jl. However it is difficult to find this API. If we search the words "random...
I try port forwarding `localhost:1234` to my iPad. It works great except for **pressing `Shift+Enter` does not run the cell but inserts an `Enter`.** ( I use a blueooth keyboard....
Neighbors related functions give wrong result after `rem_edge!` because it just set edge weight to 0
Removing an edge just sets the edge weight to 0 #43 Another bug brought by this implementation is that neighbors related functions such as `neighbors`, `inneighbors` and `outneighbors` give wrong...
I just wondering why do we design this. when I add an edge ```julia add_edge!(G, 1, 3, 0.9) ``` `G.weights` is ``` 5×5 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64} with 1 stored entry: [3, 1]...
现在非常神奇的对于某些KaTeX公式也能支持,但是对于复杂的就不行。 而且其实我注意到现在的 `heti-space` 会放到KaTeX元素的内部,这可能会带来公式渲染的一些问题比如$xyz\text{下}\sum_{i=1}^{n} s_i$ 是否有方法改进或者有方法在 KaTeX 中屏蔽? ## 示例 公式前$x\sum_{i=1}^{n} s_i$后 (此例没有空格) 公式前$x$后 (此例电脑chome正常,但在ipad上浏览器打开不正常,x前的空格更大) $\underset{\text{价格为}s\text{时最优生产方案下的净利润}}{f^{*}(s)} = \sup_{x \in E } \{ \underbrace{\left< s,x \right>}_{总销售额} - \underbrace{f(x)}_{\text{生产}x\text{时的生产成本}}\} $ (此例电脑chome正常,但在ipad上浏览器打开不正常,x前的空格更大) 公式前$xyz\text{中}\sum_{i=1}^{n}...
Fix #15. The change is the parameters for `nvim`: `-es` is drop and `--cmd` is changed to `-c`. Both changes are necessary. I don't know exactly which parameters do what....
### 问题类型 / Type of issues * 过期软件包 / out-of-date packages ### 受影响的软件包 / Affected packages * kdeconnect-git ----