
Results 20 issues of ChasLui

P11 管理和过滤器->管道和过滤器

1. model生成 痛点: 现在写一个接口要写 api, state,mutations, mutation-types,action,getters这么多地方, 其实大多是重复的代码 期望: 有个 model 层或者 model 配置, 根据 model 生成(更新): api(curd),state,mutation,mutation-types,actions,getters 如果能前后端维护统一接口文档如 swagger, 甚至可以拉swagger 文档生成代码 2. view生成 痛点: 增加一个页面需要写 menu 配置,route配置, page 组件...

Support full height. Like

In a production environment, console.error needs to be preserved, so the level option is expected to be configured to remove consoles that are below the level

Thanks to SyncedStore for the results. Are there any plans to bundle SyncStore with rxjs?

Missing d.ts file

Can't volumes ``` docker run -d --name confluence -p 9000:8090 -p 9001:8091 --privileged=true -v ~/data/atlassian:/var/atlassian -v ~/data/atlassian/confluence:/var/atlassian/confluence --user root:root cptactionhank/atlassian-confluence:latest ``` Can volumes ``` docker run -d --name confluence -p...

fix: action 列标题应该可以自定义