
Results 12 comments of CharlieTap

Is this any more possible now then when this was posted a year ago? At a glance OkHttp and Okio seem to be in the similar positions so I would...

So I've made a repro repository [here]( You can see the most recent two actions have completed, the earlier one writes to cache but from a different branch. The latest...

Ah thats interesting I didn't know that, from a quick skim of the Github cache plugin its seems you should be able to share the cache between descendant branches. I.e....

@Tapac I might create this and PR it, from a functionality perspective I suppose we would simply need: - Somewhere standardised to put migrations, - Migrations that state how they...

@Tapac @Kabbura By versioning I guess you mean, if a new version of the library comes out then its important old migrations work? But I'm not sure how that's different...

I got some way into a POC but ultimately had to stop due to other commitments :( If I have time in the new year I'll try to pick it...

I'm experiencing similar symptoms, memory consumption on a smallish project ramping up and eventually throwing and OutOfMemory Error. Psalm works fine without the plugin. Interestingly I also have sentry installed...

@mr-feek Unfortunately I'm not allowed to share the source, I did try a build today without sentry and it I still had the same issue. Interestingly this time with errors,...

Rusts serde has a great [impl]( of this, could be of use when designing the API if its pursued

```kotlin ): Result = binding { ... val result = runCatching { // runCatching will catch the inner bind as it catches throwable instructions.forEach { instruction -> instructionExecutor(instruction, store, stack).bind()...