Chengkun (Charlie) Li
Chengkun (Charlie) Li
@XunshanMan Hi, would you mind helping me with the [issue](, and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to generate the result shown in your issue:...
@XunshanMan Thank you so much for replying! I'm running the maskrcnn right now, I just want to make sure that we need to convert klg to rgb first right? like...
@XunshanMan Yeah! you're right, I totally ignore the mask of the teddy bear haha. So after generating the mask, all I need is to collect all pngs in a mask...
@XunshanMan Sure, I'll try that! Thank you so much for helping!!
@martinruenz Hi Martin, thank you for replying! The segmentation fault happened when I closed the GUI window. I tried to run maskfusion offline, but seems like the system still runs...
@ZhenghaoL Sadly, I haven't actually **solved** the problem, as I've said, the way I made this work is by pressing `ctrl+c` during the running of the program