
Results 14 comments of CharlesGueunet

Thanks to this discussion I have tried the `#` recently on a kakoune master and it insert  instead of the actual number on my side. Is it just me...

Thanks @loovjo , I also have the issue with the mapping you indicate. I have created a [separate issue]( then.

Hello, I am not sure how we can have an empty state here,the propagation should at least contains one vertex. Is your data set clean ? Can it have disconnected...

>This is huge! Do you know which version of VTK dropped it? No official version yet, but it makes more than one month that VTK master dropped it :/

I think it can be closed, yes. For a detailed answer, it has not completely been addressed in other PR. VTK has removed the ability to retrieve the naked pointer...

Do not forget Microsoft already is second open source contributor on GitHub. They may need to open source more of their products for me to like them but they have...

On Sun, Jun 3, 2018, 6:13 PM TheCodeRunsMe wrote: > but they have shown they are not against open source. > > They were against more > than you could...

Ideas: * [x] Add a menu / summary * [x] Add a changelog entry with the changelog of the last relase * [x] Add an icone in the tab of...

Hello @untereiner , We are currently investigating this issue and we will come back to you soon with more info on the subject.

> > First, the base class would be a `PartitionedDataSet` based on `vtkPartitionedDataSet `in my opinion. Since this would be a large addition, let's begin with a small start. >...