wouldnt it be better to save per account instead of per device ?
After end of event (10pm) today i used Update `pokemon` set disappear_time = '2020-08-07 20:59:59', `last_modified` = '2020-08-07 20:59:59' WHERE `disappear_time` > '2020-08-07 20:59:59' AND `last_modified`
did you tried the PAUSE feature? only issue there, it wont gt saved into db, so after a MAD restart(maybe also apply), the pause mode is forgotten
running sinced weeks without issues
not possible for some reasons here
If Weather changed, just set endtime of the pokemon to the full hour? so we can autoimatically rescan? as a switch option... would be nice to have in same way...
I havent used the level mode since that, but as I never read about a change in routefree mode, i assume that it can happen again, when starting somewhere and...
Hello MrJul, the solution is easy... Behave like displaying 2 single geofences, which are both editable each alone A Multifernce is just a compilation of Single Fences [fence1] x,y [fence2]...
will this cluster with other iv mitm events in reach? if so, maybe maltes "old" code to search nearby pokemon could now get more usable
works great, please merge