I do not really like to add a transitive dependency in case it comes with an nuget package. I know i could fix it on this way. Tanks for your...
i also have this issue with azure function. I already tried if this is related to azure function which runs on a linux app service plan but it doesn't. csproj...
@RicoSuter maybe you can review this PR. Thanks in advance
I also have this issue. If I try to create an application `dotnet publish xxx.csproj --no-restore --configuration release -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained` the build failed with the error "error NETSDK1031: It is...
@fgather I will create a PR to adapt this in the example
Is there no option to create a Pull Request and merge it back ? Is this not an idea?
Looks like this issue can be closed should be resolved with the PR #95
@studix sorry I guess i linked the wrong PR I mean #127. [Link to your section](
Hi is there a solution now? I tried to install zmq on windows 10 with up to date node.js and npm But there occur this error: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\zmq>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp...
Thank you very much. zeromq.js works !!