Fengshuo Bai
Fengshuo Bai
@hbgongen Do you have workarounds?I meet something the same as yours. I can add a topic, add a namespace .etc but I can't delete a certain topic or namespace and...
@tuteng I do what you said and the result following ./bin/pulsar-admin clusters list pulsar-cluster ./bin/pulsar-admin clusters get pulsar-cluster { "serviceUrl" : "http://pulsar.cluster.com:8080", "serviceUrlTls" : "https://pulsar.cluster.com:8443", "brokerServiceUrl" : "pulsar://pulsar.cluster.com:6650", "brokerServiceUrlTls" :...
it seems to work! thanks for your help!
@tuteng I have another question. I find a label 'BOOKIE' in managing cluster, but I can't find any data about bookies. Is it unfinished or I did something wrong
Error producing PDF. ! Undefined control sequence. l.128 \tightlist I hit the same problem. It seems that pandoc started using \tightlist in \begin{itemize} sections. I add an empty macro for...
记得开在服务里面把“Google 更新服务(gupdate) ”,“Google 更新服务(gupdatem)”设置成手动 ,然后在全局模式下就可以了