003c:err:menubuilder:init_xdg error looking up the desktop directory 00a0:err:vulkan:wine_vk_init Failed to load 0098:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\usp10.dll" (error=80) 0098:err:winediag:gnutls_initialize failed to load libgnutls, no support for encryption 0098:err:winediag:gnutls_initialize failed to...
> > I also noticed this problem and it brought me some trouble. Strictly speaking,MACs, i.e., Multi_Adds should be equal to Flops/2. So it actually caculates MACs, and the method...
> > > > I also noticed this problem and it brought me some trouble. Strictly speaking,MACs, i.e., Multi_Adds should be equal to Flops/2. So it actually caculates MACs, and...