Hello emin, I have the exact same problem... I would like to create a standalone app but my script need 3 more modules to work properly : twisted, PyNacl( require...
And do you think its possible to recompile Python with it ? I am stuck on my project be cause of that ! I thought it was a great way...
Yes i agree with you i need more Technical knowledge to do that but i ve been searching for 3 days on the Internet how to manualy compile and link...
I think that the default script is written in Python 3 ( print('hello world') ) with the () ! You sure that it doesnt support Python 3 ? Yes you...
Why the default script main.py would be written in Python 3 ( with print interpreted as a function with parenthesis) if the template is not compatible with Python 3 though...
Thank you for your answer ! Unfortunatly i see that i am again stuck on the same difficulty : i Did try one Time with the pythonista ios template (...
Well at least i am going To try To test the script on a physical jailbroken device by following the procedure with the provisioning profile etc... Yes this Is my...
Hello freakboy, Do you have some News ON this problem to include C librairies In our ios project ?
I just have a new idea tell me if its not possible at all or if there Is something interesting : I need To use some libsodium features in my...
Thank you for this suggestion i tried using rubicon to solve my problem but i ve been stuck for 2 days and maybe you could give me a few hints...