Cédric MORIN

Results 16 issues of Cédric MORIN

It was possible indeed to escape the box (at least on FF) by pressing tab key several times : after going through all the focusable elements of the box, the...

When the loading time is too long (box trying to load an huge image on a slow network or slow ajax request whith a personal handler), the user is stuck...

This patch fix the fact that unbreakable space entity ` ` is double encoded `& ` in image `alt` attributes, which is not nice Provided test and fix

Hi, Thanks to all your work on Geometrize! I'm working on a PHP version of geometrize, based on the Haxe-generated PHP code https://github.com/Cerdic/geometrize-php with a focus on performance issue as...

As a matter of fact, it is quite visible that whereas the first steps are producing large shapes to fill the larger gap between the target image and the initial...

I saw that triangles are clamped when mutating, to stay in the bounds https://github.com/Tw1ddle/geometrize-haxe/blob/master/geometrize/shape/Triangle.hx#L38 whereas they are not clamped in the constructor (corners 2 and 3 can be out of...

Linked to https://github.com/scssphp/scssphp/pull/270#issuecomment-763503445 and https://github.com/scssphp/scssphp/pull/315#issuecomment-796802448 dart-sass is not offering any of this mecanism but is probaly fast enough in compilation time to avoid this need scssphp is taking seconds to...

TODO : need improvement if script in body part of the page

For a migration process from gitea to gitlab I needed support for additionnal methods in the lib to be able - to migrate starred project from users #791 - to...

methods addAwardEmoji() to append an emoji on a merge request, and showNoteAwardEmoji() and addNoteAwardEmoji() to see and append emoji on comments on a merge request