
Results 11 comments of CedarMist

So, to summarise: https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-web3-gateway/blob/5f35bffeace30b751c676089f4f2a7688d58bb57/.github/workflows/docker-dev.yml#L42-L49 Extract `PARATIME_VERSION` from container and add an additional tag. These won't be pruned as they're not prefixed with `latest-`. Will see how to get the PARATIME_VERSION...

Have made an upstream ticket: https://github.com/rust-ethereum/evm/issues/277

Another way of doing it would be just adding the oasis-cli to the container, and having a shell script which either starts the node or executes oasis-cli within the current...

Metamask uses eth_feeHistory to calculate the different transaction priorities for gas price. See metamask source: * [calculateEstimatesForPriorityLevel](https://github.com/MetaMask/core/blob/959b92000d23f46a3c5897b3d14604fdca9906b7/packages/gas-fee-controller/src/fetchGasEstimatesViaEthFeeHistory/calculateGasFeeEstimatesForPriorityLevels.ts#L56) * [fetchBlockFeeHistory](https://github.com/MetaMask/core/blob/main/packages/gas-fee-controller/src/fetchBlockFeeHistory.ts#L136) This doesn't include the current txpool as BTC fee estimation does....

## go-ethereum The `setFeeDefaults` function (setFeeDefaults fills in default fee values for unspecified tx fields.) in go-ethereum depends on two RPC calls: `eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas` (via the `SuggestGasTipCap` function) which suggests the...

If we were to specify `baseFeePerGas` in the blocks and provide `eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas` with both set to whatever `eth_gasPrice` returns that would effectively double the estimated gas price for EIP-1559 transactions....

Have opened a branch for this: https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk/tree/CedarMist/eip1559-multicall

Re: discussion with Matevz Based on the hostname, could we force encrypted transaction? E.g. `sapphire-encrypted-only-rpc.oasis.io`

I second this pull request, the `@noble/` ECC related libraries are much cleaner than `elliptic`.

Just a small comment as I ran into a similar problem, and fixed it with `@noble/hashes` as it exports `randomBytes` with some `package.json` magic so it works with CommonJS, pure...