
Results 9 issues of Cecilia

Hello, xuebinqin, I got some tough problem when using u2net alone, which is just like the belowing, the left if pred from u2net with input resolution of 768, and the...

Seeing from the cases you offered, it seems like the cases are not all perfect, just like the following, so does that mean the receptive filed is not big enough...

python manage.py cmdb_create_superuser #这一步创建一可以登陆的管理员用户 错误如下, ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30582437/72432437-fec16080-37d1-11ea-8fc9-61479978968d.png) 但要是把mgmt.models.Permission加入到django的settings里面去的话,还是会报错, ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30582437/72432534-3fb97500-37d2-11ea-8f33-ac27781f7afa.png)

What you written in your README, about Supported Data Types, is that the n_features of imdb data is 1, and that of music mfcc data is 13, I wanna know...

Hello, first thanks for your pytorch version of deeplab v3+, I try it at last days of 2018, and I got a perfect model whose performance is great both on...

As you written in your paper, > In addition, we multiply the newly generated labels with the original binary image I to remove the background interference as But I see...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30582437/72326405-20dfb380-36ea-11ea-832c-87c7ae60d5dc.png) 经历千辛万苦终于编译完成之后选择了demo-data作为数据目录,然而并没有主页弹出,请问可能的原因是什么呢? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30582437/72326481-41a80900-36ea-11ea-8bc3-ba3222abc445.png) 如题,万分感谢~

Here is my script, ```dataset=/dataset/openMVS_sample-master/images dataset_out=/dataset/openMVS_sample-master # Initialize the scene (spherical camera model) openMVG_main_SfMInit_ImageListing -i $dataset -o $dataset_out/matches -f 3.4 # Compute of the features (you can add -n to...