Han-Tai Chen
Han-Tai Chen
Confirm this issue , It should be fixed next release.
The total delay can be divided to three parts 1. windows share memory flush delay 2. virtual cam buffering (which is in setting dialog) 3. 3rd party program buffering The...
Virtual camera flow is independent of OBS rtmp flow , so NVENC will not effect the virtual camera at all.
I am sure the shortest latency of cross-program is 20-30ms . The 3rd party software might use more buffer time to cache the image , but that is not possible...
Hi , OBS-Virtualcam is a plugin of OBS-Studio on Windows, which means you have to install OBS-Studio first ,then install this project to get addition features , and it's only...
I make a [experimental repository](https://github.com/CatxFish/obs-v4l2sink) for this feature.
@tsankuanglee Maybe it will work if it implement all the v4l2 standard the output plugin need. I really don't know, why wouldn't you try yourself and share your result?
VirtualCam just transfer the image from OBS kernel , so there is no way to effect interlace setting. I think you should check the capture device setting to assure some...
The patch is used for making a register dummy value. The source is from [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/79k05g/what_is_required_to_use_a_virtual_webcam_as/) If the patch is not working, you may want to check the registry manually.
This plugin do not support virtual-microphone , and may not appear in the near future because Microsoft request a paid certificate to create a virtual sound card.