Casey J Scalf

Results 14 comments of Casey J Scalf

Hello Marvin, Thank you for the tips. I’ll make sure nothing is in the G-Plane. Would it be handy (or is possible) to send a crash report if this happens...

Hello, Yes and yes. I will do my best to properly document the model and the crash report. Thank you for taking the time to check into this. Best, Casey...

Okay here we go.

Hello, This is absolutely fascinating. Thank you for taking the time to explore this. The circle with multiple arcs must be the problem because that is exactly how I created...

Absolutely Marvin, You are doing great work! Is there a donate option? Best, Casey Scalf Principal Sensebellum e: [email protected] m: 206-418-8551 w: > On May 7, 2019, at 11:53...

Any solution on this topic? Would also like to be able to adjust how the embed looks. Or, is this easier to change if self-hosted?

Agree, self-hosted is the way to go. Took me a minute but was able to get it all figured out. I'll try and do a write up on it an...

Nice work I appreciate the follow up. I took a look at #32 and found that to be a helpful description of the problem with the ordering of the "server.sendImage(canvas);"...

Just wanting to ping this one real quick. Is this issue something to be expected with bleeding edge libraries? Or, have we perhaps committed an error in code or IDE...

That would be super rad! Can you control the IR brightness level or the number of IR lights that are turned on?