George Kuznetsov
George Kuznetsov
For those who want to use the awesome library with NextJS: - make component for dynamic loading wired-elements `wiredElements.tsx`: ``` import { useEffect } from 'react'; export default function WiredElements()...
I have faced up with the issue through ng-recaptcha npm. Fixed the issue by workaround like: ` recaptcha { display: inline-block; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) } `
@DanielFrancois tested precisely on safari v13.0.2. it is on my mac now.
@IagoLast It is part of my integration. I didn't check without `inline-block`.
Check the existence of the file "/config/development.json". The default is none. You must rename "development.sample.json" to "development.json". And configure it