Carsten Agerskov
Carsten Agerskov
Hi It sounds like the problem has more to do with Mycroft configuration not being updated, than with the cows lists. The response you get is because the cows lists...
Hi Personally I use Docker when I need multiple environments, but I can't answer for the Mycroft community as a whole :) Regards Carsten
Yes, it seems you are running on python 3. However, the Python3 version of the cows lists is ready. But until it is accepted into the 18.02 mycroft-skill branch, msm...
And if you try the instructions, just to be clear: You want the 18.2.6b branch for Python3. Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask if the installation cause trouble
I hope it is OK to reference this issue in the MycroftAI/mycroft-skills repo. Thanks in advance. Otherwise let me know. Regards Carsten
Actually, I will not make the reference, your feedback is valued, and I will not use it for something other that what was intended by you. I have removed the...
Hi Eric Thanks for reporting this problem. Regards Carsten On May 7, 2019 8:54:31 PM GMT+02:00, Eric J wrote: >Reauthenticating on a new device. Using "Get a token for Remember...