- efficient to harvest deposits are found and recorded in memory as a deposit request - international deposit request manager will distribute requests to nearby communes based on a score...
- [ ] Requested through combat requests - [ ] Automatically assigned when a room is taken and occupied - [ ] Unassign when request rooms are retaken
- types like remote that can overlap with other types - associative type-specific properties that are removed on type change
- Until defenders are present with superior or matching threat, head home or change remote - Even if sufficient defence is present, flee from enemy attackers at range 4-5 -...
ideas - one class per role, covers all creeps of role no matter the room or commune - Each role is ran in order, irrespective of room - two runs....
- When harvester isn't working and when upgrader has energy - Periodically look around for repair targets. If found, record in memory and repair until done