callback函数中,没有validator的错误,函数会执行,但会把页面刷新。例如下面的代码,无法显示弹窗(modal1和modal2都不行),并且会把表单的内容重置,类似于页面刷新,请问如何解决这个问题,组织刷新? `var validator = new Validator('form1',[ { name:"temperature", display:"请输入正确的体温值", rules: 'is_money' },{ name:"BMI", display:"请输入正确的BML值", rules: 'is_money' } ],function(obj,evt){ var errors_elm = document.getElementById('error_msg'); = 'none'; console.log(evt); console.log(obj); if(obj.errors.length>0){ // 判断是否错误...
the c++ code using pcl to get Spin Image from point cloud is: ``` pcl::SpinImageEstimation spin_image_descriptor(8, 0.5, 10); spin_image_descriptor.setInputCloud(cloud); # omit similar code of setting arguments like last line pcl::PointCloud::Ptr...
I want to sample CAD models in stl format, and find that stl can be convert to pcd files with pcl. There is code in c++: ``` //read CAD model...
and how much time does it take?
There is a VBA example of boolean operation in pycatia.part_interfaces.intersect.Intersect(com_object), showing that ``` ‘ Make Pad1 the current shape CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.CurrentShape = Pad1 ‘ ‘ Create the intersection between Pad1 and...