I'll add a bit more information as well. When watching some videos with multiple audio tracks it might use a different language track than expected. Not sure if the content...
I would like to add to this. Please take the time to understand my frustration and my search for the perfect solution. This comes from my experience of running a...
Oh excellent! I guess I haven't seen those options since I have configured those TVs so long ago. I guess my only feature suggestion then is to add a PIN...
After quickly going through the settings I have found the checkboxes to remove those menu items. I apologize for assuming they were not in yet. You have no idea how...
.... I just found it. Haha. Awesome.
@yuliskov Ah, good call on the search button. Didn't think about that one. But, I'm good. I'm just impatient and dumb for not thoroughly combing through the settings.
@yuliskov You have already added it?!? My goodness that was fast. I GREATLY appreciate your time good sir. The very next donation will be from me. I'll donate what I...
@yuliskov Right on, a child mode toggle would be a welcome addition! You are an amazing individual and deserve so much more. Stay safe!
I would like to second this and add a bit more to this request. It would be really handy to allow our system to automatically absorb all unapplied payments to...
I believe the payment was applied yesterday. So that exceeds 5 minutes. If it is delayed, perhaps I jumped the gun a bit and it will fix itself tonight? Also,...