M Bussonnier

Results 347 issues of M Bussonnier

Some people link to this http://ipython.org/notebook.html which, it seem, should mention Jupyter Notebook.


we should probably try to have a link back to the corresponding PR of this repo, ie something like the message of HEAD commit when building on travis.

the sphinx inventory file is the only one that do not seem to be reliably reproducible. (probably due to zlib-compression) as people probably don't use intersphinx to link to website,...

## 🧰 Task In `napari/utils/misc.py`, `CallDefault` seem to not be used since #2266. We should investigate adding a deprecation message and thinking about removal if this is not used anywhere...

good first issue

## 🐛 Bug Discovered while testing https://github.com/napari/napari/pull/5604 It seem impossible to set some shortcut when the underlying combination is a combining key. For example on US qwerty mac, Alt+E is...


## 🧰 Task In `napari/utils/misc.py` both `def ensure_iterable` and `def is_iterable` seem to have keywords arguments that are never used (`color=False`, and `allow_none=False`), leading to non-covered branches. I suggest to...

good first issue

I'm guessing the docs are build using hatch ? But I don't use hatch so i'm strugling to find how to run the right commands. But in general it would...


~~This is not perfect, in particular the `confirm(...)` is a blocking call, which is not supposed to be used in a OnClik handler as an onclick handler need to respond...


See [19729](https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/19729#issuecomment-1969621588) for context, we might want to have option/theme to not show button on mobile, as also Jupyter Interface is not mobile friendly.
